Il Maggio

The Maggio tradition in the central Italian region of Le Marche is a glimpse into ancient pagan customs and their evolution over time. Rooted deeply in the celebration of fertility and the arrival of newborns, this tradition holds significance not only for the immediate family but also for the entire community.

The process of selecting, cutting, erecting, and decorating a poplar tree symbolises not only the birth of a child but also the community's involvement and support for the new parents. As the poplar tree is being transformed, by the family’s close friends, into a vibrant, adorned pole, embellished with ribbons, flags, and symbolic items, a festive ambiance envelops the event, symbolising the joy surrounding the newborn's arrival.

The inclusion of modern objects like bicycles and strollers alongside traditional symbols reflects the tradition's ability to adapt to contemporary times while still honouring its historical roots. The expansion of the tradition to encompass all newborns, regardless of gender, demonstrates its inclusivity and evolution over generations. 

The ritual culminates in a dinner party hosted by the parents, where the bonds between community members are further strengthened, nurturing a collective sense of responsibility and mutual support.

The tradition's requirement for the decorated pole to remain in place until the newborn can walk to it and touch it, symbolises the child's transition from infancy to childhood.

The Maggio tradition in Le Marche is a testament to the resilience of cultural practices, evolving to reflect changing times while preserving the rich heritage and symbolism of ancient customs