The Wall

An imposing network of tracks, bridges and walls, whose construction started two centuries ago, spreads over London surface for hundreds of miles generating a semi-permeable barrier that fragments the urban space into many different sectors, separating neighbourhoods that were once connected.

No urban planning was defined to settle and contextualize harmoniously this infrastructure with the exiting buildings and, consequently, the random relation the Over-ground has with the city is often characterized by strong spatial incongruences.

Along this barrier, the resulting constrained space loses its urban identity to become a forgotten borderland: the city loses control on the land left between the urban space and the railway infrastructure, turning it into an under-used, undefined, anarchic territory.

Like an archaeologist I use my work to uncover, analyse and understand the different layers added by human activity on a previously neutral, forgotten space, layers that speak volumes about the needs and desires of the local residents and their engagement with the spatial environment they live in and the use that they finally wish for it.